Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Climate change is here — and worse than we thought

James E. Hansen directs the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
When I testified before the Senate in the hot summer of 1988 , I warned of the kind of future that climate change would bring to us and our planet. I painted a grim picture of the consequences of steadily increasing temperatures, driven by mankind’s use of fossil fuels.
But I have a confession to make: I was too optimistic.

My projections about increasing global temperature have been proved true. But I failed to fully explore how quickly that average rise would drive an increase in extreme weather.
In a new analysis of the past six decades of global temperatures, which will be published Monday, my colleagues and I have revealed a stunning increase in the frequency of extremely hot summers, with deeply troubling ramifications for not only our future but also for our present.
This is not a climate model or a prediction but actual observations of weather events and temperatures that have happened. Our analysis shows that it is no longer enough to say that global warming will increase the likelihood of extreme weather and to repeat the caveat that no individual weather event can be directly linked to climate change. To the contrary, our analysis shows that, for the extreme hot weather of the recent past, there is virtually no explanation other than climate change.
The deadly European heat wave of 2003, the fiery Russian heat wave of 2010 and catastrophic droughts in Texas and Oklahoma last year can each be attributed to climate change. And once the data are gathered in a few weeks’ time, it’s likely that the same will be true for the extremely hot summer the United States is suffering through right now.
These weather events are not simply an example of what climate change could bring. They are caused by climate change. The odds that natural variability created these extremes are minuscule, vanishingly small. To count on those odds would be like quitting your job and playing the lottery every morning to pay the bills.
Twenty-four years ago, I introduced the concept of “climate dice” to help distinguish the long-term trend of climate change from the natural variability of day-to-day weather. Some summers are hot, some cool. Some winters brutal, some mild. That’s natural variability.
But as the climate warms, natural variability is altered, too. In a normal climate without global warming, two sides of the die would represent cooler-than-normal weather, two sides would be normal weather, and two sides would be warmer-than-normal weather. Rolling the die again and again, or season after season, you would get an equal variation of weather over time.
But loading the die with a warming climate changes the odds. You end up with only one side cooler than normal, one side average, and four sides warmer than normal. Even with climate change, you will occasionally see cooler-than-normal summers or a typically cold winter. Don’t let that fool you.
Our new peer-reviewed study, published by the National Academy of Sciences, makes clear that while average global temperature has been steadily rising due to a warming climate (up about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past century), the extremes are actually becoming much more frequent and more intense worldwide.
When we plotted the world’s changing temperatures on a bell curve, the extremes of unusually cool and, even more, the extremes of unusually hot are being altered so they are becoming both more common and more severe.
The change is so dramatic that one face of the die must now represent extreme weather to illustrate the greater frequency of extremely hot weather events.
Such events used to be exceedingly rare. Extremely hot temperatures covered about 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent of the globe in the base period of our study, from 1951 to 1980. In the last three decades, while the average temperature has slowly risen, the extremes have soared and now cover about 10 percent of the globe.
This is the world we have changed, and now we have to live in it — the world that caused the 2003 heat wave in Europe that killed more than 50,000 people and the 2011 drought in Texas that caused more than $5 billion in damage. Such events, our data show, will become even more frequent and more severe.
There is still time to act and avoid a worsening climate, but we are wasting precious time. We can solve the challenge of climate change with a gradually rising fee on carbon collected from fossil-fuel companies, with 100 percent of the money rebated to all legal residents on a per capita basis. This would stimulate innovations and create a robust clean-energy economy with millions of new jobs. It is a simple, honest and effective solution.
The future is now. And it is hot.

Will Climate Get Some Respect Now?


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President Obama and Mitt Romney seemed determined not to discuss climate change in this campaign. So thanks to Hurricane Sandy for forcing the issue: Isn’t it time to talk not only about weather, but also about climate?
Damon Winter/The New York Times
Nicholas D. Kristof
On the Ground
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Readers’ Comments

It’s true, of course, that no single storm or drought can be attributed to climate change. Atlantic hurricanes in the Northeast go way back, as the catastrophic “snow hurricane” of 1804 attests. But many scientists believe that rising carbon emissions could make extreme weather — like Sandy — more likely.
“You can’t say any one single event is reflective of climate change,” William Solecki, the co-chairman of the New York City Panel on Climate Change, told me. “But it’s illustrative of the conditions and events and scenarios that we expect with climate change.”
In that sense, whatever its causes, Sandy offers a window into the way ahead.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York says he told President Obama the other day that it seems “we have a 100-year flood every two years now.” Indeed, The Times has reported that three of the 10 biggest floods in Lower Manhattan since 1900 have occurred in the last three years.
So brace yourself, for several reasons:
• Hurricanes form when the ocean is warm, and that warmth is their fuel. The Atlantic waters off the East Coastset a record high temperature this summer. Presumably most of that is natural variation, and some is human-induced climate change.
• Computer models suggest that hurricanes won’t necessarily become more frequent, but they may become stronger. As the United States Global Change Research Program, a collaboration of federal agencies, puts it, “The intensity of these storms is likely to increase in this century.”
• Climate change adds moisture to the atmosphere, which may mean that storms come with more rain and more flooding.
• Sandy was particularly destructive because it was prevented from moving back out to sea by a “blocking pattern” associated with the jet stream. There’s debate about this, but one recent study suggested that melting sea ice in the Arctic may lead to such blocking.
• Rising seas create a higher baseline for future storm surges. The New York City Panel on Climate Change has projected that coastal waters may rise by two feet by 2050 and four feet by the end of the century.
I was schooled in the far-reaching changes under way several years ago by Eskimos in Alaska, who told me of their amazement at seeing changes in their Arctic village — from melting permafrost to robins (for which their Inupiat language has no word), and even a (shivering) porcupine. If we can’t see that something extraordinary is going on in the world around us, we’re in trouble.
“Of the 10 warmest summers on record for the contiguous United States, seven have occurred since 2000,” notes Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center.
They include this summer’s drought in the United States, the worst in more than half a century.
“For the extreme hot weather of the recent past, there is virtually no explanation other than climate change,” James E. Hansen, a NASA climate scientist, recently wrote in The Washington Post.
Politicians have dropped the ball, but so have those of us in the news business. The number of articles about climate change fell by 41 percent from 2009 to 2011, according to
There are no easy solutions, but we may need to invest in cleaner energy, impose a carbon tax or other curbs on greenhouse gases, and, above all, rethink how we can reduce the toll of a changing climate. For example, we may not want to rebuild in some coastal areas that have been hammered by Sandy.
We’ll also need a stronger FEMA — which makes Romney’s past suggestions that FEMA be privatized particularly myopic.
(That’s almost as bizarre as Michael Brown, the FEMA director during Hurricane Katrina,scolding Obama for responding to Sandy “so quickly.”)
Democrats have been AWOL on climate change, but Republicans have been even more recalcitrant. Their failure is odd, because in other areas of national security Republicans pride themselves on their vigilance. Romney doesn’t want to wait until he sees an Iranian nuclear weapon before acting, so why the passivity about climate change?
Along with eight million others, the Kristofs have lost power, so I’ve been sending Twitter messages on my iPhone by candlelight — an odd juxtaposition that feels like a wake-up call. In the candlelit aftermath of a future hurricane, I’m guessing, we’ll look back at the silence about climate in the 2012 election and ask: “What were they thinking?”
I invite you to visit my blog, On the Ground. Please also join me on Facebook andGoogle+, watch my YouTube videos and follow me on Twitter.

Will Giant Mutant Rats overrun NYC in Sandy’s wake | The Urban Scientist, Scientific American Blog Network

Will Giant Mutant Rats overrun NYC in Sandy’s wake | The Urban Scientist, Scientific American Blog Network:

"In all of the excitement and concern in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, many people’s attentions have turned to rats?"

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Day 11 Notes

Louis Lackey
Day 11 Notes
Chapter 10 Our Star
Section 10.1 a closer look at the sun
            The sun is not on fire because it would not have enough fuel to burn for longer than 10,000 years. The sun is powered by nuclear energy, nuclear fusion. Gravity balances high pressure through gravitational equilibrium. Thermal energy released by fusion in the core balances radiated energy lost from the surface. Gravitational contraction provided energy that heated the core as the sun was forming. Contraction stopped when the fusion started replacing the energy radiated into space.
-illustration of the suns structure on P289 F10.31.2012
Radius: 6.9x10^8 m
Mass: 2x10^30 kg
Luminosity 3.8x10^26 W
            Solar wind is a flow of charged particles from the surface of the Sun. The outer layer is the corona. The chromosphere is the middle layer of the solar atmosphere. The photosphere is the visible surface of the sun. The convection zone is where energy is transported upward by rising hot gas. The radiation zone is where energy is transported by photons. The core is where energy is produced by fusion, ~15m K.
Section 10.2 Fusion in the sun
            Fusion happens in the core of the sun because of high temperatures. The high speed forces nuclei to overcome electromagnetic force to come close enough for the strong force to bind them together. Four protons (hydrogen) combine into helium with two neutrons, releasing energy. This is called the proton-proton chain.
The mass is 0.7% lower. 4 protons in, ^4He (2P 2N) nucleus, 2 gamma rays, 2 positrons, 2 neutrinos out.
The core expands and contracts accordingly with temperature, changing pressure, changing the rate of fusion, readjusting the size and temperature. This solar thermostat balances the cores temperature.
We learn about the inside of the sun from mathematical models, observing solar vibrations, and observing neutrinos. The patterns on the surface on the sun can tell us about the inside of the sun.
Section 10.3 the sun earth connection
            Solar activity is like weather, sunspots, solar flares, and solar prominences. These are all related to magnetic fields.
Sunspots are cooler regions, with strong magnetic fields. Magnetic activity causes solar flares that send bursts of Xrays and charged particles into space. Coronal mass ejections send bursts of charged particles out. Solar wind is charged particles coming from the sun. Sunspots follow an 11 year cycle. This is based on the twisting of the sun’s gravitational field.

Jane Lucas

Jane Lucas
Astronomy 100-Week 8 Lecture – Chapter 7

The topics that were covered in class were the following:
Chapter 7
Super-Earth – Since 1995 Hot Jupiter’s are known outside the Solar System.  These are called Expo-planets.  They pull their central star enough to produce a sine wave of velocity.  These velocity changes are measured through the Doppler affect.  The first Super-Earth in a habitable zone was found by Stephane Udry.  These Hot Jupiter’s were not expected.  The theory of planet formation by Viktor Safronov did not predict them as studied by Alan Boss.  Our Jupiter is far from the Sun and the sine wave velocity shape is too little to see such huge distances.  Jupiter’s are more gas than solid and super earths are more solid than gas.  So far no habitable planet has been found.
Chapter 7 – Earth and the Terrestrial Planets.  Mercury has craters, smooth planes, and cliffs.  Venus has volcanoes with few craters.  Mars has some craters and has the biggest volcano in the solar system.  Moon has craters with smooth plains.  Earth has volcanoes, craters, mountains, and riverbeds.  
Earth is geographically active because of its rocky crust, mantle, metal core, and rigid lithosphere.  Earth’s interior is a core, mantle, and crust.  
Differentiation-Gravity pulls high density material to center.  Lower density material rises to the surface.  
Lithosphere-A planet outer layer of cool rigid rock called the lithosphere.  Its floats on the warmer, softer rock, that lies beneath. 

Strength of Rock – Rock stretches when pulled slowly but breaks when pulled rapidly.  
Heat drives geological activity.  Convection is when hot rock rises, cools rock falls.  One convection cycle takes 100 million years on earth.  Sources of internal heart are differentiation, radioactivity, and gravitation potential.  Heating of interior overtime caused accretion and differentiation when planets were young.  Radioactive decay is the most important heat source today.  Cooling of interior by convection, conduction, and radiation sends energy into space.  
The Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio= surface area/volume.
Heat contents depend on volume.  Loss of heat through radiation depends on surface area.  Time to cool depends on surface area divided by volume.  
Planetary magnetic fields are moving charged particles that create magnetic fields.  A planet’s interior can create magnetic fields if its core is electronically conducting, convecting, and rotating.  
Earth’s Magnetosphere-Earth’s magnetic field protects us from charged particles from the Sun.  The charged particles can create an aurorae (Northern Lights).
P waves push matter back and forth.  S waves shake matter side to side.  
The processes that shape Earth surface are impact catering, volcanism, tectonics, and erosion.  Impact catering is 10 times wider than the objects that made them.  
Radiation protection is when all x-ray light is absorbed very high in the atmosphere.  Ultraviolet light is absorbed by the ozone.
Earth’s atmosphere absorbs light at most wavelengths.
A Greenhouse Gas is CO2, H2O, CH4, and any gas that absorbs infrared.  Due to the Greenhouse Effect Earth is much warmer than Venus.  
Earth retains plenty of internal heat because of its larger terrestrial planet.
Earth’s unique features that are important for life are: surface liquid water, atmospheric oxygen,  plate tectonics, and climate stability.  Earth’s distance from the Sun and moderate greenhouse effect make liquid water possible. Photosynthesis (plant life) is required to make high concentrations of O2, which produces the protection layer of O3. Plate tectonics is an important step in the carbon dioxide.  The CO2 cycle acts like a thermostat for Earth’s cycle.  
Continental Motion-Idea of continental drift was inspired by a puzzle like fit of continents.  Mantle material erupts.  
Seafloor is recycling through a process known as subduction.  
Plate Motions-Measurements tell us past, present, and future layout of continents.  
Carbon Dioxide Cycle: 1) Atmospheric CO2 dissolves in rainwater. 2) Rain erodes minerals that flow into the ocean. 3) Minerals combined with carbon to make rocks on ocean floor.
4) Subduction carbonate rocks down on the mantle. 5) Rock melts in mantle and out gases CO2 back into atmosphere through volcanoes. 
Long term climate change is changes in Earth’s axis tilt might lead to ice ages.  Widespread ice tents to lower global temperatures by increasing Earth’s reflectivity.  CO2 from out gassing will build up if oceans are frozen.  
Global warming is human activity changing our planet.  Humans made CFC’s in the atmosphere and it destroyed the ozone reducing protection from UV radiation.  Human activity is driving many other species into extinction. Humans use of fossil fuels produce greenhouse gases that can cause global warming. Earth’s average temperature has increased by 0.5 ° C in the past 50 years.
The concentration of CO2 is rising rapidly. An unchecked rise in greenhouse gases will eventually lead to global warming.  
CO2 Concentration-Global temperatures have tracked CO2 for the last 500,000 years.  Antarctic air bubbles that indicate the current CO2 concentration is at the highest level in at least 500,000 years.  Most of the CO2 has increased in the last 50 years. 
What makes a planet habitable – Located at an optimal distance from the Sun for liquid and water to exist.  Large enough for geological activity to release and retain water and atmosphere.  
Earth is habitable because it is large enough to remain geologically active.
In chapter 7 we learned about the terrestrial worlds.  A planet’s distance from the Sun makes a significant difference to the surface temperature.  The greenhouse effect makes a difference in our atmosphere.  The consequences were discussed on global warming with human activity.  


Alpha Centauri Bb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alpha Centauri Bb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

 "Alpha Centauri Bb is an extrasolar planet orbiting the K-type main-sequence star Alpha Centauri B, located 4.37 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation of Centaurus.[1] It is the closest extrasolar planet to Earth discovered, and the smallest minimum mass planet detected so far around a solar-type star.[1][2] The announcement of its existence in October 2012 received widespread media attention, and its discovery is seen as an important landmark in exoplanet research.[3][4][5][6]"

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Chapter 9 Quiz

  1. What is the frost line distance in the Solar System?
  2. At which side of the frost line is Earth?
  3. At which side of the frost line is Jupiter?
  4. What is a chondrite?
  5. What is differentiation?
  6. Why are there gaps in the asteroid belt?
  7. Name two comets of the Solar System
  8. What is the Kuiper belt?
  9. What is the Oort cloud?
  10. What is Alpha Centauri Bb?
Hint: Use Wikipedia

Wal Sargent | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

Wal Sargent | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine:

 "I’m very sad to report that Wallace Sargent, a distinguished astronomer at Caltech, died yesterday. Wal, as he was known, was a world leader in spectroscopy and extragalactic astronomy, with a specialty in studies of quasar absorption lines. He played a crucial role in numerous major projects in astronomy, including serving as the director of the Palomar Observatory. He was awarded numerous major awards, including the Bruce Medal, the Helen B. Warner Prize, the Henry Norris Russell Lectureship, and the Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics."

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Separation of Nitrogen and Hydrogen in the Early Solar System?

Caselli & Ceccarelli record in their review the peculiar chemistry of Water and Aminoacids in the early Solar System.

Both deuterium and nitrogen isotopes, are segregated during the evolution of the cloud we are coming from.

Is this a condition for life?


Origin of Organic Chemicals in Comets?


How an Earth is Born


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fluorescent Detectors on Auger Site

There are 4 buildings with 6 fluorescence telescopes each that overlook the area of SD stations (Fig. 1). Each telescope uses Schmidt optics and consists of a wide-angle, segmented spherical mirror, a spherical focal plane, a UV 300-410 nm passband filter, and a refractive corrector ring at the aperture of the telescope. The telescope field of view is 30◦ (in azimuth) x 28◦ (in elevation) so each building has 180◦ azimuth range (the 3 high-elevation telescopes observe 30◦ to 60◦ in elevation). There are 440 photomultipliers in the focal plane which collect reflected light. The longitudinal profile of a shower is thus measured as an image of active PMT pixels along the shower axis. The layout of the FD geometry is shown in Fig. 3.


Guillermo Haro

Orion Nebula

Guillermo Haro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guillermo Haro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

"Professor Guillermo Haro (March 21, 1913 – April 26, 1988) was born in Mexico City where he grew during the time of the Mexican Revolution. He studied philosophy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He became interested in astronomy and because of his dedication and enthusiasm was hired in 1943 as an assistant at the newly founded Observatorio Astrofísico de Tonantzintla. In order to pursue his astronomical training he visited the U.S. and worked from 1943 to 1944 at Harvard College Observatory."

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Herbig–Haro object - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herbig–Haro object - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Herbig-Haro 47 seen with a bow shockand a series of jet-driven shocks.[34]

"Herbig–Haro objects (HH) are small patches of nebulosity associated with newly born stars, and are formed when narrow jets of gas ejected by young stars collide with clouds of gas and dust nearby at speeds of several hundred kilometres per second. Herbig–Haro objects are ubiquitous in star-forming regions, and several are often seen around a single star, aligned along its rotational axis."

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Comet Hale–Bopp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comet Hale–Bopp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

 "The comet may have been observed by ancient Egyptians during the reign of pharaoh Pepi I (2332–2283 BC). In Pepi's pyramid in Saqqara is a text referring to an "nhh-star" as a companion of the pharaoh in the heavens, where "nhh" is the hieroglyph for long hair.[10]"

"The estimated probability of impacting Earth in future passages through the inner Solar System is remote, about 2.5 x 10−9 per orbit.[33] However, given that the comet nucleus is around 60 km in diameter,[1] the consequences of such an impact would be apocalyptic. A calculation given by Weissman[33] conservatively estimates the diameter at 35 km; an estimated density of 0.6 g/cm3 then gives a cometary mass of 1.3 x 1019 g. An impact velocity of 52.5 km/s yields an impact energy of 1.9 x 1032 ergs, or 4.4 x 109 megatons, about 44 times the estimated energy of the K-T impact event."

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Term Paper

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Fig. 1 Star formation and chemical complexity. The formation of a star and a planetary system, like the Solar System, passes through five fundamental phases, marked in the sketch.

Cosmic Citizenship

Caleb Scharf just expressed the view of helping students feel their place in the scheme of things. All the things we know right now. Read the note here.

About the Author: Caleb Scharf is the director of Columbia University's multidisciplinary Astrobiology Center. He has worked in the fields of observational cosmology, X-ray astronomy, and more recently exoplanetary science. His latest book is 'Gravity's Engines: How Bubble-Blowing Black Holes Rule Galaxies, Stars, and Life in the Cosmos', and he is working on 'The Copernicus Complex' (both from Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux.) Follow on Twitter @caleb_scharf.

Cosmic Citizens | Life, Unbounded, Scientific American Blog Network

Cosmic Citizens | Life, Unbounded, Scientific American Blog Network:

 "Our remarkable species has existed in its present form for about 100,000 years. That’s about 0.0025% of the total time that we think life has existed on this planet. We, and the vast network of life around us, occupy barely a couple of percent of the volume of this world – its surface, a few kilometers into its subsurface, and some way up into its tenuous atmosphere. The Earth is an end product of the agglomeration of the equivalent of about a trillion kilometer-sized planetesimals that themselves coalesced from the sticky microscopic dust of a proto-planetary disk some 4.5 billion years ago. Altogether that represents about 0.003% of the total mass of that original smear of dust and gas that stretched from a youthful Sun to far, far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Today the Earth occupies about 0.0000000000000003% of the volume of space encompassed by a sphere just large enough to contain the orbit of Neptune. And it would take more than 4,400 of those spheres lined up edge-to-edge to reach the nearest star system and the nearest known exoplanet of Alpha Centauri B."

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[1210.6368] Our astrochemical heritage

[1210.6368] Our astrochemical heritage:

Our Sun and planetary system were born about 4.5 billion years ago. How did this happen and what is our heritage from these early times? This review tries to address these questions from an astrochemical point of view. On the one hand, we have some crucial information from meteorites, comets and other small bodies of the Solar System. On the other hand, we have the results of studies on the formation process of Sun-like stars in our Galaxy. These results tell us that Sun-like stars form in dense regions of molecular clouds and that three major steps are involved before the planet formation period. They are represented by the pre-stellar core, protostellar envelope and protoplanetary disk phases. Simultaneously with the evolution from one phase to the other, the chemical composition gains increasing complexity. 
In this review, we first present the information on the chemical composition of meteorites, comets and other small bodies of the Solar System, which is potentially linked to the first phases of the Solar System's formation. Then we describe the observed chemical composition in the pre-stellar core, protostellar envelope and protoplanetary disk phases, including the processes that lead to them. Finally, we draw together pieces from the different objects and phases to understand whether and how much we inherited chemically from the time of the Sun's birth.

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Massive Planets Might Escape Stellar Engulfment Largely Undiminished | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Massive Planets Might Escape Stellar Engulfment Largely Undiminished | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network:

"Having your planet swallowed by a star is no fun. But some planets might be able to run the astrophysical gauntlet and make it through more or less intact."

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 10

Louis Lackey
Day 10 notes

The introductory lecture was about Chicxulub. A 110 mile wide crater was formed by a 6 mile meteorite, 65 million years ago. This caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and allowed mammals to rise to the top of the food chain. The Mexican oil company PEMEX kept this a secret until 1981. Scientific development depends on political and social conditions.

Chapter 9
Asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets

Section 9.1
asteroids and meteorites

Asteroids are rocky leftovers from planet formation. The largest is Ceres, ~1000km. There are 150,000 listed in catalogs, and probably over a million with a diameter over 1km. Small are more common than large. All the asteroids together wouldn't add up to a small terrestrial planet. Asteroids are cratered and not round. Some asteroids have their own moons.

Most asteroids orbit in a belt between mars and Jupiter Trojan asteroids follow Jupiter’s orbit. Near earth asteroids cross earth's orbit. Jupiter's gravity through resonances prevented the belt's planetesimals from accreting into a planet.

Most meteorites are pieces of asteroids. A meteorite is a rock from space that falls through earth's atmosphere. A meteor is a bright trail left by a meteorite. Primitive meteorites have been unchanged in composition since they first formed 4.6 billion years ago. Processed meteorites have experienced volcanism and differentiation. Some meteorites are from the moon and mars.

Section 9.2

Comets formed beyond the frost line. The nucleus is a dirty snowball. Most do not have tails. Most are perpetually frozen in the outer solar system. Only comets that enter the inner solar system have tails. Comets have a dust tail and a plasma tail. The dust tail is left behind the movement of the rock, pushed by photons. The plasma tail is sun-ionized molecules, facing away from the sun, pushed by the sun. The comet has an atmosphere from the heated nucleus called a coma. Small particles from comets are left behind and cause meteor showers. Comets come from the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt. The cloud is huge, distant, and random, is a sphere, and the comets orbit in any direction. The belt is 30-100AU and orbits in a disk, flat plane, orbiting the same direction as planets.

Section 9.3

Pluto's orbit is tilted and elliptical. It is much smaller, and not a gas giant. It has more in common with comets than the other planets. In 2005 astronomers discovered Eris, an iceball that rivals Pluto. In 2006 it was ruled that Pluto, Eris, and similar objects are dwarf planets. Its largest moon is nearly as large as itself. It is very cold, 40K, Pluto has a thin nitrogen atmosphere that freezes to the surface when it is far enough from the Sun. Very little is known about these objects.

Section 9.4
Comet SL9 caused a string of violent impacts on Jupiter in 1994, reminding us of the danger. Fossil records show mass extinctions. The most recent was 65 million years ago, ending the dinosaurs.
Iridium is very rare on earth but very common in meteorites. There is a worldwide iridium layer 65 million years deep in the crust, all dinosaur fossils are below this layer. A meteorite 10Km in size would cause a mass extinction from climate change. Major impacts are rare, but guaranteed to happen sooner or later. Jovian planets, especially Jupiter, deflect comets away from us.

Deep Impact (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deep Impact (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

 "Deep Impact is a NASA space probe launched on January 12, 2005. It was designed to study the composition of the comet interior of 9P/Tempel, by releasing an impactor into the comet. At 5:52 UTC on July 4, 2005, the impactor successfully collided with the comet's nucleus. The impact excavated debris from the interior of the nucleus, allowing photographs of the impact crater. The photographs showed the comet to be more dusty and less icy than had been expected. The impact generated a large and bright dust cloud, which unexpectedly obscured the view of the impact crater."

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2012 Meteor Showers | StarDate Online

2012 Meteor Showers | StarDate Online:

"Name                Date of Peak                Moon
Quadrantids         night of January 3         Sets after midnight
Lyrids                  night of April 21           New
Eta Aquarids        night of May 5             Full
Perseids               night of August 11        Morning crescent
Orionids               night of October 20      First quarter
Leonids                night of November 17  Evening crescent
Geminids              night of December 13  New"

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Term Paper

I expect to have your term papers before December 12, 2012.

Please start now, and let me see your drafts, while we finish the course.