Friday, August 24, 2012

Grading criteria

Final grade: Exams 40% ( 2 x 20% each), Homework assignments 20%, In-class work 20%, Term paper and quizzes 20%.

A: (>90%) Outstanding performance in of the subject. Achievement of superior quality.
B: (80-89%) Consistent performance beyond the usual requirement of the course. Achievement of high quality.
C: (70-79%) Performance of a satisfactory nature; 'average' grade.
D: (60-69%) Minimally acceptable performance.
F: (<60 a="a" achievement="achievement" at="at" basic="basic" course.="course." demonstrate="demonstrate" elements="elements" insufficient="insufficient" level="level" of="of" p="p" the="the" to="to" understanding="understanding">I: Incompletes will be granted only to students in good standing under extreme circumstances.
W: Instructor will only withdraw a student from this class due to disruptive conduct. Cases of plagiarism will be given a score of 0, with possible referral to the Student Conduct Board. 

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