Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jackpot! Jupiter and Saturn – Solar cycle link confirmed « Tallbloke's Talkshop

Jackpot! Jupiter and Saturn – Solar cycle link confirmed « Tallbloke's Talkshop:

"We have found really good evidence that the orbits of planets  are intimately linked with the solar cycle and influence solar activity levels. Jupiter and Saturn are the two biggest planets in the solar system. They both have strong magnetospheres which exhibit immense aurorae at their poles. Their orbital distances and velocities are such that the timings generated by their interaction match timings derived from spectrographic analysis of the Sun’s activity as demonstrated below. What is the probability that these relationships are due to mere chance or coincidence? In our view – vanishingly small. So are we claiming that the planets cause the Sun’s activity cycles? We believe this is the wrong question. The question we should be asking is:

What are the feedback mechanisms which bring about these relationships,  how are they maintained, and what is their physical basis?"

'via Blog this'

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