Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Olivia Thomas

Olivia wrote a nice note for studying Astronomy. This is your blog, feel free to use it for anything to do with the class.

From Olivia:

"My name is Olivia Thomas, and I'm 22 years old. I moved to Illinois from Florida only recently. I've lived in numerous states from Alaska to Florida.  In Florida, I've witnessed multiple shuttle launches, been to many (star)viewing parties, and I've been to NASA twice. Alaska has such little light pollution, I've never seen the stars so clear, and it doesn't help that you can catch a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis occasionally. Astronomy excites me because you can always learn, nobody knows everything there is about the universe because something new is always being discovered everyday, with all of the recent technology advances it's just become even more exciting. I'm hoping to gauge whether or not I would like to pursue astronomy as my major after a taste of this class. "

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