Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chapter 3.2 Notes

Chapter 3.2 Notes

Why does modern science trace its roots to the Greeks?
·        Our mathematical and scientific heritage originated with the civilizations of the middle east
·        Greeks were the first people known to make models of nature.
·        They tried to explain patterns in nature without resorting to myth or the supernatural.
How did the greeks explain planetary motion?
·        Earth at the center of the universe
·        Heavens must be “perfect”--- objects move on perfect spheres or in perfect circles.
·        The most sophisticated geocentric model was that of Ptolemy.
·        The Ptolemaic model had each planet move on a small circle whose center moves around earth on a larger circle.
How did Islamic scientists preserve and extend greek science?
·        The muslim world preserved and enhanced the knowledge they received from the greeks while Europe was in its dark ages.
·        Al-Mamuns house of wisdom in Baghdad was a great center of learning around AD 800
·        With the fall of Constantinople in 1453, eastern scholars headed west to Europe, carrying knowledge that helped ignite the European renaissance.
·        Islamic scientists archived and improved on greek learning. Their knowledge was eventually carried back to Europe, helping to ignite the European renaissance.

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Ahead of everybody. You impress me!