Sunday, April 28, 2013

4-27-13 quiz

Vinnie Caringella

1. Our galaxy consists of a disk of stars and gas, with a bulge of stars at the center of the disk, surrounded by a large spherical halo.

2. Stars in the disk orbit in circles going in the same direction with a little up and down motion.

3. Gas from dying stars mixes new elements into the interstellar medium, which slowly cools, making the molecular clouds where stars come from.

4. Active star-forming regions contain molecular clouds, hot stars

5. An American astronomer and professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UCLA.

6. The Milky Way

7. About 100 times as great as the thickness.

8. Yes

9. No, there is too much light around.

10. short wavelength and lots of energy.

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