Monday, April 8, 2013

Olivia Thomas' Quiz

1. How do we measure stellar masses?
A star's position along the main sequence is closely related to its mass.  We can estimate a star's mass just by knowing it's spectral type.
2. What are giants, supergiants, and white dwarfs?
Giants and supergiants are stars that are nearing the ends of their lives. They are cooler but much more luminous than the Sun. They place in the upper right of the main sequence in an H-R diagram. White dwarfs stars are the cooling embers of stars that have exhausted their fuel for nuclear fusion.
3. What are the two types of star clusters?
There are modest-sized open clusters and densely packed globular clusters. The two types differ in how densely they're packed with stars, locations, and ages.
4. How do we measure the age of a star cluster?
We can determine their ages by plotting their stars in an H-R diagram.The age of a star cluster approximately equals the hydrogen core-fusion lifetime of the most massive main-sequence stars remaining within it.
5. Do we know any star cluster 14 billion years old, or older?
No we do not know any star clusters older than 14 billion years old.
6. Which star has a longer life, small mass star, or big mass star?
A small mass star is going to have a longer life compared to a big mass star. More massive stars live much shorter lives because they fuse hydrogen at a much greater rate.
7. Which star is hotter, small mass star, or big mass star?
High mass stars are hotter than small mass stars.
8. Which star is bluer, small mass star, or big mass star?
Big mass stars are bluer than small mass stars.
9. Which star is closer, the Sun, or Prozima Centaurus?
The sun is closer.
10. What is the age of the Universe?
13.77 billion years old.

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