Thursday, April 18, 2013

Douglas Middendorf's Quiz

What is a white dwarf?
A small very dense star that is typically the size of a planet.
What can happen to a white dwarf in a close binary system?
It can pull matter away from another star that is less dense.
What is a neutron star?
An extremely dense, compact star composed primarily of neutrons, especially thecollapsed core of a supernova.
How were neutron stars discovered?
They were discovered by the pulses of radio waves they emitted.
What can happen to a neutron star in a close binary system?
The same that happens with a neutron star, the falling matter will form an accretion disk.
Who was Jocelyn Bell?
The woman who helped discover pulsars.
Does she have a Nobel Prize?
What were called then little green men?
Whatever was emitting the pulses.
Who was her thesis adviser?
Antony Hewish
Did the thesis adviser get a Nobel Prize?

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