Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chapter 9.4 Notes

Chapter 9 Notes

Have we ever witnessed a major impact?
Comet SL9 caused a string of violent impacts on Jupiter in 1994, reminding us that catstrophic collisions still happen.
Tidal forces tore it apart during a previous encounter with Jupiter.
Fossil record shows occasional large dips in the diversity of species: mass extinctions
The most recent was 65 million years ago, ending the reign of the dinosaurs.
Iridium is very rare in earth surface rocks but is often found in meteorites.
Dinosaur fossils all lie below this layer.
No dinosaur fossils in upper rock layers.
Thin layer containing the rare element iridium.
Dinosaur fossils in lower rock layers.
A meteorite 10 km in size would send large amounts of debris into the atmosphere.
Debris would reduce the amount of sunlight reaching earth’s surface.
The resulting climate change may have caused mass extinction.
Size of crater suggests impacting object was 10km in diameter.
The gravity of a jovian planet (especially Jupiter) can redirect a comet.
Jupiter has directed some comets toward earth but has ejected many more into the Oort cloud.

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Congratulations, always on time!