Wednesday, March 13, 2013

quiz 14

Vinnie Caringella
Quiz 14
1.              Because asteroids are rocky leftovers from the era of planet formation.
2.              Because meteorites are pieces of asteroids.
3.              The tails grow when the nucleus heats up.
4.             Kuiper's Belt
5.             They can get as big as Pluto.
6.             They have tilted, elliptical orbits, and icy compositions.
7.              Yes
8.             Haley, Hale Bopp, and Swift-Tuttle.
9.              Panstarrs is a non-periodic comet discovered in June of 2011, which is expected to be visible to the naked eye when it is near perihelion in March of 2013.
10.         No it was not


Eduardo Cantoral said...

An asteroid hit Russia last month, and very likely was an asteroid before that.
"The asteroid belonged to the Apollo group of near-Earth asteroids,[4][6] and was roughly 40 days past perihelion[81] (closest approach to the Sun) and had aphelion (furthest distance from the Sun) in the asteroid belt.[4][81] "

From Wikipedia.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

I meant " A meteorite hit Russia last month .."

Meteorites could be from the asteroid belt, or not. If formed beyond the frost line, they were comets.