Thursday, March 14, 2013

Douglas Middendorf Quiz

Why is there an asteroid belt?
Rocky planetesimals could have formed a small planet between Mars and Jupiter but didn't, because Jupiter's gravity pushed them around too much.
How are meteorites related to asteroids?
Most meteorites are pieces of asteroids.
How do comets get their tails?
A comets tail is made from melting ice.
Where do comets come from?
Oort cloud and Kuiper the belt.
How big can a comet be?
A comet can be as big as Pluto.
What are Pluto and other large objects of the Kuiper belt like?
large objects in the Kuiper belt have tilted elliptical orbits.
Can a meteorite hit Earth?
Name a few comets.
Haley, Encke, Biela, and Faye.
What is comet PANSTARRS?
A non-periodic comet.
Was the meteorite in Russia last month previously an asteroid?

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