Friday, March 8, 2013

Douglas Middendorf Quiz

What are jovian planets made of?
Hydrogen and helium.
What are jovian planets like on the inside?
The jovian planets have a core about 10 times as massive as Earth, consisting of hydrogen compounds, metals, and rock.
What is the weather like on jovian planets?
Jovian planets have fast winds and large storms that can last centuries.
What kinds of moons orbit the jovian planets?
The moons are categorized as small, medium-size, or large.
Why are Jupiter's Galilean moons geologically active?
Because of tidal heating.
What geological activity do we see on Titan and other moons?
Titan has lakes/oceans of liquid ethane and methane on its surface. 
Why are jovian moons more geologically active than small rocky planets?
The Ice deforms and melts at lower temperatures than rock, allowing volcanism and tectonics at low temperatures.
What are Saturn's rings like?
They are fields of countless tiny particles. Not solid.
Why do the jovian planets have rings?
The rings come from broken up small moons that have smashed into each other.
Who predicted volcanoes on Io?
"Shortly before the Voyager 1 encounter, Stan Peale, Patrick Cassen, and R. T. Reynolds published a paper in the journal Science predicting a volcanically modified surface and a differentiated interior, with distinct rock types rather than a homogeneous blend"

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